
Air Source Heat Pump Install Makes Headlines

We were lucky enough to be involved in a fantastic project in Kent, which features on the front page of April’s edition of The WealdenTimes.

We were invited to tender for the job by builder Jeremy Court, owner of Courts Management, who we have worked with on several other projects, and were delighted when we won the contract.

The customers, Dominic and Eve, spent eight years seeking permission to link two derelict barns and convert them into a beautiful home.

We were tasked with installing a renewable heating system to provide underfloor heating and hot water for the new house.

After studying the plans, we designed a system to install two, Vaillant aroTherm Plus air source heat pumps, a large hot water cylinder, and a buffer cylinder to feed the underfloor heating and radiators.

The house is stunning and we are proud to have been a part of the innovative project, and you can read about Dominic and Eve’s journey in The Wealden Times.

The heating system – which for us is the centre of the house - did not get much of a mention in the article! But that is the way we like it. A modern, discreet system, low on running costs, that provides heating and hot water without any fuss.

The super-efficient heat pumps are low on maintenance, helping Dominic and Eve live a comfortable, stress-free life while sharply reducing their carbon emissions compared to an old fossil-fuel boiler.

Let's talk about your project

If you have a project in mind or are thinking of installing renewable energy, please contact us for an initial informal chat.